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Random Music Rambles

Music recs and rambles. I'll link my spotify playlist eventually. Dont mind the basic taste. Maybe I'll revisit this in years and go this is so cool. I don't even know what to write

If anyone in this barren land has any song recs for me email me at rabbitthewebmaster@gmail.com

I listen to the radio quite a fair bit. There is a radio station near me that plays '70s, '80s and '90s rock. I find it kind of amusing because I have an 80s ghetto blaster. Its funny everyone who sees it is like "How did you get that?" It still works perfectly. It even has a tape player too. I also listen to records. I find it helps me to listen to the music more because I can't just let it going. I also try and colllect CDs and DVDs. I became more into physical media because I watched sound of music like every night on the streaming services. One day however it got removed. I was distraught. So ever since I've been collecting movies and music I like. I'm also learning the Tenor Horn at the moment. I'm hoping to move onto Trombone or maybe even French Horn (Only cause of that one solo in Les Misérables)

I dont even know where to start. Lets starts with David Bowie. I once listened to him to for about 10 hours straight on a trip. It was great (Yes I had headphones my family was spared) I adore The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. I love the concept. My favourite song on the album is probably Ziggy Stardust. Lets go to Queen. My favourite album is A Day at the races. My favourite song on that album is 手をとりあって (Teo Torriatte), Followed very closely to good old fashioned lover boy. Ah the whole album is so good. My favourite Queen song has to be I want it all. I find it very empowering. I also have a soft spot for I'm in love with my car. I really like Roger Taylor.

I really like Nik Kershaw. I found The Riddle really interesting to my ears. Its a masterpiece. You start to get used to it and then he turns it onto its head. The lyrics are fun to sing. Even if it is a little nonsensical. This guy is so underrated and his voice has aged like fine wine. I also really like Wouldn't it be good. I wrote a creative writing piece inspired by it once. It got slightly edgy and I never ended up sharing it.

I also enjoy a fair bit of vocaloid. I enjoy Miku, Gumi, V flower, Kaito and Fukase the most. I also enjoy Big Al (Once I got past that horrible demo) He sounds really good singing Thriller I enjoy listening to the range tests. I love Kaitos one. I really like 野良まと / Noramatos tuning.

I once sung "World is Mine" at a karaoke event. I dont have the range and matter of fact I cant sing at all. I'm really sorry to everyone who listened to that. I was then dared to do Two Trucks from Lemon Demon. At the time I had never heard of it so that was a ride. I got hit by a truck while singing that one. Was not expecting the content of that song.