Welcome to Rabbits tech corner!
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I am obessed with David Bowie. This past week I haven't been able to stop listening to his music

Welcome to my site

Welcome to my site. Its an honour having you here. Please have a cup of warm coffee, a milo honestly just make yourself at home. This website is a work in progress so some links may not work yet. I'm also not quite sure what to put on here. I'm not much of an artist. I will attempt to keep updating

Hi! My name is Rabbit. I like Linux (I'm currently running debian), web design, retro tech and gaming. Linux captivated me after doing a course. I'm going to be honest Linux is not everyones cup of tea but I genuinely believe it is a great operating system with lots of oppertunity. The customizability of Linux honestly led me down a rabbit hole. You can email me at rabbitthewebmaster@gmail.com if you want.

I then became quite interested in retro technology. This led me to watching a video about returning to web 1.0. This introduced me to Neocities and it captivated me. And so I decided to give it a go. Before I started I had no interest in web development. I guess most websites look the same nowadays. It seemed really boring its almost like those houses. It all just seemed so bland. I think the moment I realised how free Neocities was is the page you start with. Nothing a short tutorial and your left to your own devices. You can tinker, You can almost do anything.